They typically cast around for someone to blame and never take the rap themselves. When things don’t go the blamer’s way someone else is always wrong.
Blamers are narcissists and are best avoided as they are typically also negative people who will bring you down. You may find yourself in a situation where you have a relationship with a friend or relative who is a blamer and it can be difficult to extricate yourself from such a relationship, but it is important that you do so.
You must not allow the abusive behaviour to continue. Do not allow the critical and negative behaviour to affect your life. If you can’t get yourself out of the relationship then at the very least you should set some boundaries.
We hope that this article will help you to realize the following
It is hurtful when we get accused of something that we haven’t done. It’s the injustice of the situation that usually gets to us. If someone has lied, blaming you for things that you have never done, try not to dwell on it. Blamers have personal problems that have nothing to do with you.
Accusers are often filled with envy. They have self-esteem issues, and they are insecure. The only way they can overcome these feelings is to bring other people down by spreading untruths through gossip.
By hurting others, they feel better about themselves. You should pity them. They are unhappy people, finding happiness only in harming others.
You do not have to prove your innocence to others. Attempting to do so just adds fuel to the fire. The best way to overcome the negativity is to forgive and forget. This is not easy, but it is the best way to come to terms with the situation and to find inner peace.
Do not allow negative people or blamers to affect your self-esteem. Do not take personally anything they say to or about you. You do not have to believe other’s opinions of you. You have the right to discard negative opinions. The best way to protect yourself is to believe in yourself and discard the negativity of the other.
Recognize a blamer and stay out of her way
Blamers often have signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. By understanding how to spot this behaviour we can learn to avoid people that have the disorder. We could learn coping mechanisms for dealing with people with this disorder or we may even recognize that we ourselves have a problem and can seek help.
Your best defence against liars is to develop a reputation for honesty and integrity. If others know you as a truthful person they will be less likely to believe the lies of others.