It is always difficult to end a relationship even when it is something that you initiated. It usually comes with massive life changes and can leave you feeling very emotional.
It is normal to feel angry, remorseful or guilty. You may even feel relieved. You may feel rejected and unsure of the future, insecure and afraid. You are probably also uncertain and confused about where the future is likely to take you.
You may find that you are on an emotional roller coaster and may have changed eating habits, eating too little or too much. You may even be drinking too much. You may have a sense of disbelief and may find sleep difficult. You probably have difficulty concentrating and functioning as you used to.
It is normal to feel this way following a breakup. The intensity of the feelings will slowly abate, and you should learn to live a normal life again. If you are overwhelmed by your emotions or unable to cope you should find someone to speak to, a family or a relative, a counsellor or your doctor. Don’t battle alone. Seek help.
Your separation will affect many people, not just you. Your partner, your children, your relatives and your friends will feel the effects of the change. You will have to deal with many adaptations in your own life as a result of the breakup. Most partners are financially worse off following the separation. They also have to deal with the change of lifestyle which could include moving to a new home, losing full-time parenting rights, changes in the daily routine amongst others. You will also have to change your dreams for the future.
Most people manage to get through these difficult times and build a life again. While you are picking yourself up, you need to look after yourself. Find rewarding things to do, seek out the company and try to lift your anxiety.