There are many couples who on realizing that the spark has gone from their relationship make the decision to stay together for financial reasons. This may raise many an eyebrow, but it is perfectly logical reasoning, and it can work.
People are not necessarily happier when they divorce. In fact, research suggests otherwise, with a Canadian government article claiming that men who leave their marriages are much more likely to become depressed, and much-publicized research that claims that married people are not only happier than their single friends but they live longer too.
When the time comes to consider whether to stay together for financial reasons, there is much to think about. Are you really staying together to preserve the family assets, or are there other issues at stake?
You need to calculate the exact amount of money that is at risk. Typically, older people who have been together for a long time have a lot more to lose than younger couples who would not have accumulated as much by way of assets, but also have a long time ahead to start over again. If your assets are not large, and if neither partner will be financially destitute following divorce, there really is no reason to stay together for financial reasons. This is assuming that:
If your combined assets are substantial and registered in both your names, you will have to carefully consider the financial implications of a divorce which may result in the assets being split equally between the two of you. It may be a good idea to discuss the financial implications with an accountant or a lawyer as these things can get quite complex. There is the splitting of assets and liabilities to consider, and there may even be tax implications which you should be aware of before making the decision.
There may be more than just financial benefits in remaining together
Whether to stay together for financial reasons or to divorce is a decision that only you and your partner can make and it should not be influenced by the selfish judgments of others. If they were to find themselves in similar circumstances, the chances are that they’d do the same.