
Alan Weiss

3rd September, 2023

Alan Weiss developed after he experienced himself how devastating divorce proceedings can be. I witnessed firsthand my own future security, and that of my familys, being destroyed by acrimonious and costly divorce litigation. I created to help people avoid an experience like this and lose thousands of dollars. Instead the system will assist them in getting on with their lives.

This article will discuss the importance of affidavits in family law proceedings, what they should include, and tips for preparing an effective affidavit.

In Australian Family Law proceedings, affidavits play a crucial role as they are one of the primary ways to present evidence to the court. An affidavit is a written statement of facts by a party or a witness, which is sworn or affirmed to be true.

The Importance of Affidavits

  1. Evidence Presentation: Affidavits serve as a way to present factual evidence to the court. They provide a detailed account of the events and circumstances relevant to the case, supporting a party's position or claims.

  2. Sworn or Affirmed to be True: The person making the affidavit (the deponent) must swear or affirm that the contents are true and accurate. This gives the affidavit a high level of credibility and makes it a powerful piece of evidence.

  3. Efficient Proceedings: Affidavits help make court proceedings more efficient by allowing parties to present detailed evidence in writing rather than orally. This helps reduce the time spent in court and allows the court to consider the evidence in advance of the hearing.

  4. Basis for Cross-Examination: Affidavits serve as the basis for cross-examination during hearings. The opposing party can question the deponent on the contents of their affidavit to test its accuracy and reliability.

What Should Be Included in an Affidavit?

  1. Relevant Facts: An affidavit should only include facts that are directly relevant to the issues in dispute. It should provide a detailed and chronological account of events and circumstances, supported by any available evidence.

  2. First-Hand Knowledge: The deponent should only include information that they have first-hand knowledge of. Hearsay, or information received from someone else, is generally not admissible unless it falls within an exception.

  3. Clear and Concise Language: The affidavit should be written in clear and concise language. It should be easy to understand and free of legal jargon.

  4. Annexures: Any documents referred to in the affidavit, such as letters, emails, or photographs, should be attached as annexures.

Tips for Preparing an Effective Affidavit

  1. Be Truthful: It is essential to be truthful when preparing an affidavit. Providing false or misleading information can have serious consequences, including penalties for perjury.

  2. Be Detailed: Provide as much detail as possible about the events and circumstances relevant to the case. This will help the court understand your position and make an informed decision.

  3. Be Organized: Organize the information in a logical and chronological order. This will help the court follow the sequence of events and understand the context.

  4. Be Objective: Try to be objective when describing events and circumstances. Avoid making subjective statements or expressing opinions.

  5. Seek Legal Advice: It is advisable to seek legal advice when preparing an affidavit. A legal professional can help ensure that the affidavit is well-structured, includes all relevant information, and complies with legal requirements.


Affidavits are a vital part of family law proceedings in Australia as they serve as a primary way to present evidence to the court. An effective affidavit should be truthful, detailed, organized, and objective. It is advisable to seek legal advice to ensure that the affidavit is well-prepared and complies with legal requirements. Ultimately, a well-prepared affidavit can significantly contribute to a party's success in court.



Alan Weiss

3rd September, 2023

Alan Weiss developed after he experienced himself how devastating divorce proceedings can be. I witnessed firsthand my own future security, and that of my familys, being destroyed by acrimonious and costly divorce litigation. I created to help people avoid an experience like this and lose thousands of dollars. Instead the system will assist them in getting on with their lives.