During the hearing of a case involving the relationship of the family members, the Court may direct an expert to produce a Family Report. Family Report can be prepared and organized by an Independent Lawyer of the Child (if one is appointed), Family Court of Australia or the Federal Circuit Court.
It is written by a professional expert that who can either be an accredited social worker or psychologist. These professionals are independent and deemed to be an expert in child and family relationship issues.
Family Report will contain the pertinent information regarding the child, the parents and the whole family as well. It may involve the relationship of the family with their neighbour, local community and their relatives. It can include recommendations to the court regarding the parental responsibilities of the parents, the status of the child and on where and who he will live with, who the child may interact with and what time they may do so, other information that may help the court decide the case.
Family Report is made with the aims of assessing the circumstances of the child on what will be the best course of action that will benefit his best interest. The writer of the report will collect the information from the significant persons in the life of the child, his views and opinion regarding the case, personal history and attachment with his parents, his relationship with their relatives and its importance to the growth of the child. The attitude of the parents is also taken into consideration in the family report.
The Report Writer may interview the parents, together or separated, or together with their child. It will be an extensive interview and at times can be tiresome to all parties especially for the child. However the necessity of a Family Report is of paramount importance in deciding a Family Case since it can contribute a lot to the determination of the best interest of the child.
After the interview, the Report Writer will collate all these information and produce the report to be submitted to the Court. It will include all the necessary documents that was used in the report. In addition thereto, the Court may require the production of all the information that was gathered even if they are not included in the Family Report.