Helpful Information

The websites listed on this page are not part of the website. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed on these websites, nor can we verify the accuracy of the information on these websites.

General Interest

Family contact service

Family Contact Service provides experienced and qualified contact supervisors for supervised contact when there is Family Court Orders or Children’s Court Orders or mutual agreement between the parties, which may be a Parenting Order in place or other mutual agreement made between parents. 

Making The Difference At Making the Difference the basis of all counselling is objective and supportive listening and respect for the client as an individual. Processing things previously put aside by the pressures of everyday life can be difficult, but the opportunity to explore your feelings in a private, confidential and non-judgmental atmosphere can be a relief in itself. Counselling provides an opportunity to gain new perspectives and can encourage a greater dimension of wellbeing.

Resolution Network We offer Conflict Resolution skills to build stronger organisations and more rewarding relationships.

Families Australia Families Australia is an independent, peak, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to promoting the needs and interests of families.

Family Relationship Services Australia - linking services, supporting relationships

Kid's Help - a counselling service for kids and young people

Lifeline - a free crisis telephone counselling service

Mensline Australia - counselling service and resources for men in family crisis

Mirabel - charity supporting children abandoned due to parental illicit drug use

Reach Out - online support to help young people get through tough times

Australian Government - gateway to information and services on Australian Government and selected state and territory websites

Australian Government Attorney General's Department

Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

Australian Institute of Family Studies - including the Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse - information and advisory unit


Child Support Agency

Family Assistance Office

Family Court of Australia

Family Relationships Online - information & access to family relationships services

Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission

LIFE - the National Suicide Prevention Strategy

My family is separating — what now? - online service developed by the Child Support Agency in partnership with the Attorney-General’s Department

Family Violence and Sexual Assault

About Date Rape - a site from the NSW Attorney-General's Department Crime Prevention Division to provide information and resources about date rape to girls who may have been assaulted, their friends and family

Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse

Bursting the Bubble - looks at families, covering issues such as domestic violence and incest and includes stories and useful advice

Centres Against Sexual Assault - services and resources for victims/survivors of sexual assault (VIC)

Domestic Violence Resource Centre - working to prevent family violence (VIC)

No to Violence - the Male Family Violence Prevention Association (VIC)

South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault - information on sexual assault, child abuse, sexual harassment and family violence for children and schools, family and friends, survivors and workers

Victims Counselling and Support Services - 24 hour telephone based information, referral and support service for people whose lives have been impacted by crime (QLD)

White Ribbon Day - information about the national campaign to eliminate violence against women

Health and Mental Health

Australian Child & Adolescent Trauma, Loss & Grief Network - resources about young people experiencing trauma and loss

Beyond Blue - the National Depression Initiative

depressionServices - information, help and peer support for depression

Legal and Financial

Care Inc - financial counselling service

Commonwealth Financial Counselling Program


Australian Child & Adolescent Trauma, Loss & Grief Network - resources about young people experiencing trauma and loss

Family Assistance Office

Separation and Divorce

ChaTFirst - Children and Teens First - a website for children and teens whose parents have separated or divorced


Helpful information & resources relating to divorce: Australian Law Online, Child Support Agency (CSA), Family Court of Australia, Family Law Council, Family Relationships 

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